Bamboo the Panda’s Adventures
Good morning, friends! Can you hear that? Chirp chirp chirp! That’s Sunny, my little bird friend, singing the day awake! Oh, hi there! I didn’t see you. I’m Bamboo the panda, and this is my cozy treehouse right in the middle of our happy bamboo forest. It’s so nice to see you today! Are you ready for an adventure?
Let me stretch my paws… Ahhh, now I’m ready to go! Sunny, are you coming with me? (Sunny chirps, nodding her tiny head.) Great! Come along, friends – let’s explore the forest together. I just know we’re going to find something amazing today!
What a lovely day in the bamboo forest! Look at all the tall, wavy bamboo trees swaying in the breeze. Ooh, do you hear the crunchy leaves on the ground? Crunch, crunch! Let’s all pretend to crunch with our feet as we walk, just like me! Let’s crunch together… one, two, three! (Pause.) Great job!
Oh look! A stream of sparkly water is trickling by. “Drip-drop, drip-drop!” It’s such a perfect place to jump on some squishy stepping stones. Let’s hop like frogs! Ready? Hop to the left, hop to the right, hop just like a big-jumping panda… Wheee! Good hopping, everyone!
What will we find next? Let’s keep going and see who’s out and about in the forest today.
Oh wow, look over there! It’s Poppy the bunny. Hi, Poppy! Why do you look so worried? (Poppy explains she’s trying to climb a slippery hill but can’t quite make it to the top.) Hmm… how can we help? I know, let’s cheer her on! Can everyone clap their hands and cheer, “Go, Poppy, go!” Ready? 1, 2, 3 — Go, Poppy, go!
Look! Poppy is hopping her way to the top of the hill! Yay, she did it! Thanks for helping, friends. We knew you could do it, Poppy. You’re such a great little hopper. Now, would you like to join us on our adventure? (Poppy excitedly nods and bounces along.)

Oh no, who’s that sitting by the big oak tree looking so upset? It’s Cheeky the squirrel. Hi, Cheeky! What happened? (Cheeky sadly explains that he lost his favorite shiny acorn somewhere in the forest.) Don’t worry, Cheeky. We’ll find your acorn together!
All right, friends, it’s time to use our super-finding skills. Let’s look high, let’s look low, and let’s look all around. Can you point to where you think the acorn might be? Is it under that bush? No, not there. Maybe behind that rock? Ohhh, look, Sunny is pointing her wing at something shiny in the grass! Is that it? Yes! We found the acorn!
Hooray! Cheeky is so happy now. He twirls around and gives us all a big smile. Great job, team – we make an awesome group of helpers!
As we keep wandering through the forest, Sunny chirps from above and tells us to look ahead. Do you see that glowing light? Let’s follow it! Wowww… it’s a secret meadow full of colorful flowers! They’re pink, and yellow, and purple, and they smell so sweet. Let’s take a big sniff together. Ready? Sniiiifffff….ahhh!
Oh, oh! Guess what? Sunny has an idea. She wants us to play hide-and-seek in the meadow! Let’s close our eyes and count to three while Poppy and Cheeky hide. Ready? 1… 2… 3! Okay, where are they hiding? Do you see Poppy’s fluffy bunny ears sticking out behind that purple bush? Found you, Poppy! Now where’s Cheeky? Hmm… do you see his little bushy tail? Oh, there he is, peeking out from behind the tree! That was so much fun!
The sun is starting to set, and the sky is turning orange and purple. What a perfect time for a picnic! Look, there’s a cozy spot under that big tree where we can all sit together. Let’s lay out a soft blanket. Perfect!
Oh, look at all the tasty treats we have! Bamboo brought bamboo shoots, Poppy brought crunchy carrots, Cheeky has a pile of nuts, and Sunny found some sweet berries. “Yum yum,” says Bamboo. But wait! Before we start eating, let’s share with one another. I’ll share my bamboo shoots with Poppy. Sunny, would you like some nuts? Sharing makes everyone so happy, don’t you think?
Now that we’re all nice and full, let’s look up at the sky. Oh wow, the stars are twinkling like little diamonds! Cheeky is lying down and making pictures with the stars, while Poppy closes her eyes for a little nap. Sunny chirps a soft lullaby. Isn’t this such a perfect moment to be with friends?
I’m so glad you came along on today’s adventure. You helped cheer on Poppy, find Cheeky’s acorn, play hide-and-seek, and share during our picnic. What superstars you are!
It’s time for our friends to head home. Let’s wave goodbye to Cheeky and Poppy. (Pause for audience to wave.) And now it’s our turn to go back to the treehouse and rest. Don’t worry, we’ll have another adventure soon. Thanks for being my amazing helpers today! Bye-bye, friends! See you next time!
(As Bamboo waves goodbye and walks off into the distance, soft, calming music plays to end the video on a cozy, happy note.)